
My Bigfoot Adventure With Marc Abell (Colorado Bigfoot)!

In late May 2017 I went on a unique adventure with my son David. Driving off road and hiking in the woods and mountains of Colorado. Let me explain how this all began. Since 2011, I have participated in the PAN Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Tournaments, which take place every March in Irving CA. This year I decided to skip the tournament because of injuries I sustained during last year's event. What I didn't know was that my son was going to surprise me by coming to watch me compete. When I made my decision not to attend, my wife Ellen told me about David's plan to attend and she suggested I come up with a special adventure for David and me.

A few years ago, I became fascinated with some YouTube videos from Nathan Rio (Utah Sasquatch) featuring unique tree structures that he indicated were constructed in the forest by Bigfoot. Following other people posting on YouTube, I ran across Marc Abell (Colorado Bigfoot) and watched as he showed me the most amazing areas, with larger and more elaborate structures, that I had ever seen. This is something I thought would be the adventure of a lifetime. I wanted my son and me to experience this together. I contacted Marc in Colorado. We found with some dates that worked for both of us and he agreed to take us to the areas he had been investigating. Our adventure begins on May 19, 2017.

The plan is to drive to St. Louis to meet my son, who will be driving from Michigan. Then both of us will drive together to Vail, Colorado and meet up with Marc. We plan to spend 2 days hiking to areas he calls Bigfoot Universe and Bigfoot World with tree leans, teepees, giant X's and large trees up in the air, stuck in other trees. It really looks like nothing I have ever see. Last week he discovered a new area, which seemed to have a lot of activity. I'm ready to investigate, to experience something new, something impossible!

So, do I believe in Bigfoot? For me that is the wrong question.To me, belief means you have already made up your mind, and this can interfere with my investigation. Disbelief does the same thing, so I intend to remain open-minded and question everything. Questions I have: "How are the structures made? Is it a natural event of weather, electric currents, or is something creating structures for communication, or to hunt from, or for fun? Is there really a creature, an upright hominid, often reported, often heard, hard to capture on film, but living in the wild in every part of the world? They have many names in different areas! Sasquatch, Yeti, Wild Man, Skunk Ape; and descriptions are of a large, bipedal, upright walking humanoid, covered in hair, brown to red or white in color; that lives in family groups, is nocturnal and hunts game and wild plants.

We will be documenting our adventure through pictures, video and field notes. And regardless of what we find, David and I will be hiking in beautiful forests, spending quality time together, and recharging for what comes next.

YouTube Channels I researched: Marc Abell - Colorado Bigfoot, Nathan Reo - Utah Sasquatch,

TimberGiantBigfoot (Jim) in Ontario Canada, Bigfoot Tony in the U.K. and Bob Gymlan.


Day One: Nico, David and Marc. Day 1 Video

My son David and I stayed in Dillon, CO (10,000 ft elevation), about 40 minutes east of Vail.The morning of our adventure began with 3” of overnight snowfall. David and I wondered how this would affect our outing with Marc.  All along, Marc had mentioned that the upper elevations in the Holy Cross Wilderness were all snow bound and we would not be going up there.  This was disappointing because his videos of these places were amazing! Anyway, my FJ Cruiser was covered with snow. Clearing off the car was a reminder of many

winters in Michigan and Canada, removing the snow and scraping the windows clean.

As we drove over to Vail, going down through the passes, the snow on the ground slowly disappeared.  We were relieved. We met Marc at a designated location and had breakfast together as he explained our plan for the day. We were going to the Holy Cross Wilderness lower elevations to visit the “Sundial” he had discovered a few weeks earlier. Just a short ride down the road and we were at the trailhead!

We began our hike on an established foot trail leading up the mountain, nice and easy going through an Aspen forest. About a half a mile up, we left the foot trail and headed straight up the mountain, a very steep climb. I saw my first X with a tree bend around it and knew we were in the right place. Then the Aspen forest ended and the pine trees were before us. There was a game trail leading us to what seemed to be the entrance. It was like another world as we walked in. Everything changed as the tree structures began to appear, and there were tree leans, large and small X’s, vertical, horizontal, some bending, some just off the ground and some high in the air. It was spectacular! When you are actually there in person, you realize something or someone made these structures, and they are not accidental. It’s undeniable!

No human could do this, would do this, nor are the structures the result of wind, or an electrical event, but instead you are left with the unknown ... and Bigfoot. Only something big, hugely strong and intelligent could create this. Video

As we worked our way up the side of the steep mountain, the structures continued and the forest was completely silent; so different from when we began with birds chirping and many sounds of game and insects. Now there was only a slight breeze, accompanied by the sounds of our footsteps. Then, I heard a yelp from just above us, and saw some movement ahead. We continued up. Right at the top of the climb there was a stone structure Marc called the “Sundial.” I looked at it carefully, seeing it had marking stones. I pulled out my iPhone and looked at the compass. It was dead on. North and west with large stones upright and lines of small rocks from the center to each designation of N, S, E, & W. The formation was indeed a compass! David took out his hand held compass, right on the mark!

At this point, we were wondering which way to descend, when I spotted some odd looking structures just east of our location and I took off to check them out. It turned out I had found a whole new area Marc had not been to.  We decided to explore and make our descent through this part of the forest. It was really steep! Hard to get a foot hold, we were slipping and sliding as we went. Structure after structure, tree lean after tree

lean, and X’s all over the place. We were in Bigfoot country! At one point, there was a foul odor around us, skunk like, but skunks usually live in lower elevations and are not found at that elevation. Saw some footprints, large with the toes showing and at one point had that “feeling like we were being watched.” Very creepy!

Altogether we spent over 6 hours on that mountain. We were tired and worn out but felt great. Time for some food and beer. As luck would have it, there was a great microbrewery near our hotel where David and I ate each night, then back to the hotel to fall asleep watching a movie. 

Day 2: Nico, David, Matt and Marc - Day 2 Video

Our second day - We were to meet Marc and also, I had contacted Matt, one of our listeners on TFNN, with whom we often have conversations in the TFNN Chat Room during our Living a Primal Life Style show. We had Matt join us. This time we drove north to the Red and White Mountains just north of I-70.  This area was at a much lower elevation than the day before. That made it a much easier hike and we got to the areas rather quickly. Everything was different and yet the same. We were in an Aspen forest. The structures were there, but they were not as clean, everything was very rough.  What was the same were the types of structures - bends, leans, and X’s.

Then all of a sudden we came upon a wallow, a small pine forest. Neat and tidy. The ground was trampled. The leans and X’s were clean, stripped of branches and leaves - just like the area we visited the day before in the Holy Cross Wilderness. We hit the jackpot again!

This was very interesting, because of the contrast between the Aspen forest and the Pine forest. In the Aspen forest all the structures still had bark and

branches attached to the structures, but in the Pine forest everything was clean, no bark, no branches.  The structures otherwise were the same.

On the way back, we took the access road and went into the bush whenever we saw from the road that there were structures beckoning. One very interesting structure was a pine tree, very low to the ground, curved in an almost complete circle then shoved between two trees and then hooked under another branch to keep it there, It was spring loaded, in a sense to hold it in place. Video

We walked back to the truck letting it all soak in. What a great day! What a great adventure.  Memories to last a lifetime! And time with my son - priceless.

Nico de Haan

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